How does UTN work?

UTN is the student union for students studying engineering or science in Uppsala. UTN consists of, among other things, 20 sections that build the organization.

Organizational map of the different parts of UTN.


The Council (FUM) is the highest decision-making body of the Uppsala School of Technology and Science. The sections' representatives in the council decide on UTN's activities, future and opinions. Here, the decisions that have the most impact on the organization's activities are made. All members have the right to have their voice heard and take part in the most important gatherings of the Corps.

The corps council has 33 members from all 19 sections of the corps. The mandates are allocated proportionally according to the number of members in the sectional associations against the total number of members of the corps. Each section has a guaranteed mandate in the council.

The Council is chaired by the President's Presidium and usually meets six times a year. During the council, decisions are made on the activities and future of the corps, among other things, the council decides on the corps operational plan and budget, but also on the corps opinions on various issues. The Council also appoints a number of positions of trust, including the Board of Directors, the Nomination Committee, Board of Consistors, Techna Bureau and auditors.

All members of the Corps have the right to attend and speak at meetings. In addition, all members have the right of motion and interpellation.

Fullmäktiges sammanträden VT24:

FUM 2024:1 - 21-22 februari

FUM2024:2 - 16-17 april

FUM2024:3 - 14-15 maj

Motions and interpellations

A motion is a proposal for something that you wish to be raised and decided on in the council during a meeting. This has historically involved everything from bylaw changes and the start-up of sections, to the fact that the Corps should buy in a fire engine. Motions can be submitted by individual members or by a group of members.

Want to write a motion? See the template for an exercise here.

Motions must be submitted to the President of the Union at least 21 days before the meeting at which you wish the motion to be considered. Keep an eye out for the documents that come out 10 days before the meeting after the board's motion response. It is important that you read it before the meeting so that you are ready when the discussion starts.

An interpellation is a question directly posed to the board of directors, related to their activities. The process is very similar to that of the motions regarding which deadlines apply, and that one should read the documents in advance about their interpellation responses.

Do you want to represent your section on the council? Contact your section association to find out how to run for office. If you want to know more about us and the work of the council, please contact

Colin Andersson


Oskar Perers

Deputy Speaker

Rikard Broman

Deputy Secretary

Line Altzén



The Board of the Uppsala School of Technology and Science consists of seven members; chairman, vice-president and five non-profit students. The board is elected by the council in April each year and leads the tactical operations as well as executes the decisions made by the council. The management team, in turn, is elected by the Board of Directors and consists of ten people who have taken study breaks to work on different areas to make your study time better. In addition to the Bureau (read more about the Bureau below), the Board consists of five members, who study alongside their involvement in UTN's Board of Directors.

Uppsala Board of Technology and Science
Uppsala Board of Technology and Science

UTN's Board of Directors. From left: Signe Jönsson, Erik Edlund, Dante Wensby, Tim Nedergård and Maja Eneström.


The Bureau consists of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, who are members of both the Board of Directors and the Management Team. Together, the Chairman and Wise Chairmen are responsible for leading UTN's management team.

  • chairpersons is the main representative of the organization and the Board of Directors, both to its own organization and to the outside world. The Chairman is also the principal in charge of UTN's management team during the current financial year.
  • Vice-President works primarily with the organization's finances and internal operations management. The Vice-President is the deputy to the President and acts in his role when he is not available.

Tim Nedergard


Maja Eneström

Vice President

The management team

UTN's management team is elected by the Board of Directors and works full-time to improve the operations of the Corps and your time of study. It is UTN's Nomination Committee that gives the Board which candidates they are allowed to choose from. All members of the management team except the project manager for Utnarm work with the running of the corps, in various areas, such as study monitoring, business, information dissemination and party activities.

Bevakarenheten som i huvudsak arbetar med utbildningsrelaterade frågor eller den studiesociala miljön. Bevakarenheten utgörs av kårens ordförande tillsammans de fyra studiebevakarna.

Ekonomienheten som hanterar den övriga kontinuerliga verksamheten som rör bland annat ekonomi, näringslivsanknytning, internationalisering, informationsspridning och festverksamhet. Ekonomienheten utgörs av kårens vice ordförande, näringslivsansvarig, projektledare för Utnarm, internationellt ansvarig, informationsansvarig och klubbmästaren.

Study Watchers

UTN's study watchers work with monitoring and improving the faculty's education and students' study experience. The study watchers have specific areas of focus: education, the social situation, labour market issues and international affairs.

Malin Jansson

Studiebevakare med studiesocialt ansvar

Filip Bodlund Trostén

Studiebevakare med utbildningsansvar för forskarutbildning och samverkan

Robin Forslund

Study watcher with educational responsibility for technical education

Anna Enerud

Study watcher with responsibility for education - natural science

Information Officer

The Corps' Information Officer is responsible for the Corps' marketing in order to provide a fair and comprehensive picture of the Corps' activities. The information officer is also involved in coordinating the recruitment of members of the Corps, administering the Corps website and providing support to those involved in matters related to marketing.

Club champion

The corps club master is primarily responsible for the activities that the club body carries out, such as Thursday pubs and rentals. In office, the Club Master is a great support for UTN's all concerned in general, and bar and kitchen managers in particular, when it comes to kitchen, bar and alcohol management.

Business Manager

UTN's Business Manager facilitates and assists in cooperation with external parties within the organization. The purpose of these collaborations is to create conditions for meetings between students and the business community as well as to create forums for various forms of sponsorship to UTN's activities.

Project Manager Utnarm

The project manager for Utnarm leads the work on the UTN Career Fair, which is held in November each year and is assisted by the Utnarm Committee. With two event weeks and a trade fair day, meetings are created between thousands of students and selected actors in the business world. Everyone is welcome to Utnarm and it is completely free. (Except for the actors who exhibit, of course.)

Committees and Councils

The Uppsala School of Technology and Science's councils and committees are forums that provide an opportunity for students to discuss issues they have in common. The purpose of these is to bring together people with similar missions.

The Committees is a platform for the sections to discuss issues they have in common, such as educational, and study-social issues. The representatives can help each other, exchange experiences and find opportunities for cooperation. It is also a hub between the sections and UTN centrally, where mainly the study watchers can discuss issues and anchor UTN's opinion among the students. The committees also act as an information flow.

The Councils works in a similar way, but there are also some councils that are not attached to the sections, but to the corps centrally.

Studiesociala utskottet och mottagninsrådet

Malin Jansson

Studiebevakare med studiesocialt ansvar

International Committee

Michal Jarski

Internationally Responsible


Anna Enerud

Study watcher with responsibility for education - natural science

Robin Forslund

Study watcher with educational responsibility for technical education

Council of Presidents

Tim Nedergard


Clubmasters Council

Sebastian Grönund

Head of the Pub Crew


Moses Karlsson

Head of Corporate Relations

Communications, Marketing, and Sponsorship Council

Evelina Andersson

Information Officer

Economy Committee

Maja Eneström

Vice President