Prep Course in Mathematics

The prep course in mathematics (Proppen) is held during the reception of the new students at the start of every fall semester. The course is a two week long “catch-me-up” in upper secondary school mathematics for all the new engineering students as well as the new natural science and computer science students.

Proppen is a perfect time for the new students to not only refresh their math skills, but also a great opportunity to get to know their new classmates and learn a bit about the life as a student from the prep teacher. Proppen is held by the largest committee at UTN: Proppkå, which today consists of 36 students.

The committee members are the “prep teachers” or “proppar” and will be teaching during the reception. Proppen is an arrangement in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala University and the prep teachers are paid for their work.

Prep Course in Mathematics