Rafting Committee

The rafting committee, Forskå, arranges the rafting that takes place in Fyrisån during Valborg every year. Ahead of the River Rafting, Forskå organizes an eight-day Forsfestival, where everyone who wants to eat and drink well in the tent in the area, participate in activities or admire rafts built by students who are going to raft.

The committee can be resThe Rafting committee, Forskå is responsible for the River Rafting down Fyrisån at walpurgis every year. Prior to the Rafting is the eight day long River festival that Forskå are the masterminds behind. There you can join in on activities during the day, music and parties in the evenings. The River festival is always by the site where the rafts are built by the teams of students rafting.

In the committee there are many different areas of responsibility covering everything from marketing of the events, food, drinks or entertainment in the tent during the festival to the cooperation with companies, the safety during the events or the finishing area of the River rafting.

Forskå consists of 24 members and the presiding committee is applied for and assigned during may and the rest of the managing group in the beginning of the autumn semester and the last of the committee during the end of the autumn semester. The entire committee works close together towards creating a sustainable and fun event with something for everyone!

Rafting Committee